Monday, June 29, 2009

Advisor On Track

Dear Uncle,

I think my sister is having an affair with my fiancé. I was tidying his study when I found her undergarments behind his ghetto blaster. Im supposed to marry him in three weeks. What sould I do ?
- Worried Bride To Be

Dear Worried Bride To Be,

Fear not. Simply take the ghetto blaster to your local appliance store and trade it in as a deposit for a 20-watt stand-alone bass woofer match with 4 unit mid-range treble speaker system. Your fiancé and your sister will be delighted with the improvement in sound quality .


Dear Uncle,

My son is obsessed with Manchester United. He missed his father's funeral to watch the final on TV. When we came home from cemetery, he was dancing with joy over a goal. It was most inappropiate and the mourners were deeply shocked.
- Despairing Widow

Dear Despairing Widow,

You have a serious problem here. No person in his right mind would celebrate a goal that was so obviously off-side. The ref must have been totally blind. Ask you son to check the action replays and he will see the final was stolen from AC Milan.


Dear Uncle,

20 minutes after my son Jason went to school, a message popped up for him on the family computer. His teacher wants to meet him after school at a hotel. She signed it "smoochykins." He is 17, and she is 30. What sould I do ?
-Concerned Mother

Dear Concerned Mother

I understand your concern. Instant message programs should automatically log out after 5 minutes of inactivity. Upgrade to version 7.0 to prevent this problem recurring.


Dear Uncle,

My mother-in-law constantly complains scornfully about every item of food and drink I ever serve. Everything is too hot or too cold. My husband always sides with her. His disloyalty is driving me to drink.
-Wit's End

Dear Wit's End

Since you have been driven to drink, you will quickly notice that pale beers and lagers taste best at 7 degrees Celcius, while amber beers should be served at 12 degrees and dark stout at 15 degrees. Ensure a copious supply of beers at correct temperatures and watch all complaints vanish.


Dear Uncle,

My husband bought a home security video system last year. I came home early yesterday and noticed it showed two people kissing in the back garden. Although the picture was fuzzy and grainy, I realised it was my husband and my neighbour. We have been married for 18 years. What should I do ?
-Broken-Hearted Wife

Dear Broken-Hearted Wife

This problem is easily fixed. Use a high impedance cable, set the resolution to "High Definition" and get an accelerated graphics card. Fuzzy and grainy images will be a thing of the past, and you will get crystal clear images from your back garden.


Dear Uncle,

My husband spent the money we had saved for our children's education on a Rolex watch. He says it is vital for his image. But surely he has done wrong ?
-Penniless Housewife

Dear Penniless Housewife

Yes, your husband has done something wrong. Look him in the eye and say: "Rolex so yesterday. James Bond wears an Omega. Why did you not consider buying an Omega?" ( This answer is sposored by Omega watches.)

By Nuri Vittachi

Beat The Bush

A Mobster discovers that his deaf accountant has cheated him out of 10 million bucks. He confront him, bringing along an interpreter.
"Ask him where the money is," the mobster says.
The interpreter does so, and the accountant signs back,"What are you talking about?"
The interpreter tells the godfather,"He says he doesn't know what you're talking about."
The mobster puts a pistol to the book-keeper's head."Ask him again!"
The interpreter signs,"He'll kill you if you don't tell him!"
"Ok, Ok!" the book-keeper signs back. "The money is buried behind the shed in my cousin Pauly's backyard!"
"What'd he say?" Asks the Don
"He says you don't have the guts to pull the trigger."

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Timeless Humor

A favorite story among color-film processors concerns the negative of a poodle which a woman sent to a photo-finishing lab. When the print was made, the dog came out looking green. Figuring that there must have been a mistake in color balance, a problem which plagues color processors, the lab tried again and again, and finally got the dog to come out a kind of improbable tan.
The woman who sent in the negative was furious when she got the picture of the tan poodle, which, she informed the lab, she had dyed green .
- Donald M Schwartz

Saturday, June 6, 2009


" Men want the same thing from their underwear that they want from women : a little bit of support, and a little bit of freedom " .
- Jerry Seinfeld